Triukšmas ir triukšmas

The effect of noise on an individual is very subjective, especially what an individual might perceive to be a noise nuisance.
If an individual considers that a noise nuisance arises and is so severe then they have direct recourse to the district court to take an action under noise nuisance as the person negatively affected by it. Kilkenny County Council would not take on such a case as the issue of noise nuisance is so subjective and what one individual perceives as nuisance another may not. It is not clear cut in such a situation due to that subjectivity.

The procedure for you to take court action is set out clearly in the attached documentation below and is simplified to allow individuals to have recourse to the courts. Noise nuisance is very subjective in proving any case you will need to present documentary evidence of the issue arising and as you see them the negative effects this has on you and your family. The judge will then determine if the actions of the other party is reasonable or not and the judge may impose conditions or restrictions on the farmer concerned.

The documents below provide information on noise and noise nuisance and the local authorities role.

A Guide to the Noise Regulations

Noise Nuisance Citizens Information Document 2016


Triukšmo veiksmų planas 2019–2023 m

Svarbu pažymėti, kad Kilkenny vienintelis pagrindinis triukšmo šaltinis pagal šį planą yra pagrindiniai keliai.

Šis dokumentas nesusijęs su bendru buitinių, komercinių ar aplinkos šaltinių keliamu triukšmu.

A summary of the Noise Action Plan 2019-2023 may be downloaded čia.

A full copy of the Noise Action Plan 2019-2023 may be downloaded čia.



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